Feature You Photography Lessons Chapter 1 Setting up your picture ph1-1. Select your background ph1-2. Frame your shot ph1-3. Check your background ph1-4. Check your foreground ph1-5. Place your subject Chapter 2 Note your surrounding ph2-1. Note the horizon ph2-2. Tilt the horizon ph2-3. Morning haze ph2-4. Shooting in shade ph2-5. Morning full sun Chapter 3 Natural light ph3-1. Backlit subjects ph3-2. Portraits in the sun ph3-3. Flair ph3-4. Flair sunlight ph3-5. Horizontal or vertical Chapter 4 Contrast and closeness ph4-1. Dark skin portraits ph4-2. Light skin portraits ph4-3. Shoot close ph4-4, Still life ph4-5. Micro lenses |
Lessonph2-3. Morning Haze
A good photographer explores a wide range of light sources. Today, for example, we’re shooting at 7 am. The sun rises at 7. But you’ll notice it’s hazy and starting to drizzle. It’s an ideal lighting situation because the light is soft and gentle. The thing to notice about this is to get up early and shoot around sunrise. It can give you fabulous light you wouldn’t find in the middle of the day. (Harris talking to himself) Ten seconds, here we go. (camera shutter) When shooting in the early morning haze, you get a soft, gentle light. Practiceph2-3p. Morning Haze
Take a picture of yourself in the morning before the sun rises. It's even better if it's misty or foggy. The light should be bluish-gray.